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Host Your Course On Dashword For Free

Do you have a course you want to share with the world? Dashword is your place to share it!

If you would like to contribute an article instead of a course, see our article contribution guide.

So long as your course is appropriate for all audiences and is at least somewhat related to Geometry Dash, we will be happy to host it for you, for free. We only have the following rules:

  • Your course should be appropriate for all audiences
  • Your course should be at least somewhat related to Geometry Dash
  • Your course must be free to access and not locked behind a paywall

Likewise, you will have to agree to our author terms in order for us to be able to publish your course.

Submit your course

To submit your course, you can email with your course in the form of a shared Google Doc link. Make sure we have permission to access it.

Courses are organized into lessons, so make sure your lessons are clearly marked in your Google Doc.

If you have any questions, you can also use the above email.