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Geometry Dash 2.21 Might Be Days Away, New Information Reveals

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The Geometry Dash 2.21 release date might be only days away, new information reveals. While 2.21 was initially predicted to be far away, new information regarding the Geometry Dash x NCS collaboration predict that the update may be far closer than we originally thought.

Geometry Dash x NCS collaboration hints at 2.21 release

On October 18th, just after the NCS Gauntlet Contest results were released, RobTop and NCS announced an upcoming Geometry Dash x NCS Album that is "packed with bangers that will take your gameplay to a whole new level."

On November 1st, RobTop announced that Geometry Dash levels will be made by popular players for each of the singles in the upcoming Geometry Dash x NCS Album.

RobTop is testing event levels

This led to a new development on November 5th. On this date, Geometry Dash Facts reported that RobTop has set an event level in Geometry Dash. While it cannot currently be accessed due to the feature not yet being available.

It is believed that RobTop is testing this new feature in preparation for the upcoming Geometry Dash x NCS Album release, which will feature new original levels in Geometry Dash.

With event levels will be available in 2.21, this suggests that RobTop will release 2.21 soon in order to release event levels.

In addition to this, RobTop has been testing new Geometry Dash betas, which he is believed to do whenever a new update is near release. This also means there might not be a 2.207 update and we will be instead jumping straight to version 2.21.

New Features in Geometry Dash 2.21

Along with event levels, we can expect the map to be released, as it currently says in-game that is when it will come out.

However, whether or not Versus Mode and Explorers will come out is up for debate.

While RobTop originally suggested Versus Mode and Explorers will be released in update 2.21, some community figures have spoke out theorizing how this may no longer be the case.

Unlike event levels and the map, it does not say in-game that Versus Mode will be released in Geometry Dash 2.21.

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